
Date: 24.8.2016

Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs
State Technical & Vocational Training Organization
Mohammad Ehsani - Manager of Contracting Contracts

Skill Certificate

Is awarded to Mohammad Ehsani Notional Code 0943416639 In accordance with the skill standard of Civil coed 2_19/25/1/2 the profession:

Project Manager

For 440 hours Based on job skill evaluation of 15.7.2016 by earning a score of 92 in words ninety-two From 100 and Excellent level

“In accordance with Close 6 of the By-Laws of Training and Increasing the Skill approved At 17.01.1961 of the High Council of Labor”

Director General of Vocational Technical Education of the province FARS
Heshmat Koshki
  1. To inquire about the authenticity and validation of the certification you can use the national code and ID number inserted in the smart certificate Refer to the system Http://
  2. This certificate is valid for 5 years
  3. This certificate is based on Articles 6 and 13 of the Trade Union Law  Approved At 17.01.1961 Parliament And its Subsequent reforms It can be used to obtain a business license

Fars_ Center No. 6 Kazeroon (men) _Amin

Mohammad Ehsani - Project manager
Mohammad Ehsani – Project manager